Classes are scheduled once in a week 3 hours per session from 4: PM to 7: PM on every Sundays.
Duration: 6 Months
Criteria Eligibility: Candidate must possess cumulative knowledge of basic Grade 5 Theory of Music Standard.
This course leads to LCM Diploma in Composition
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this course candidate will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the following:
1. Tempo Markings, dynamic, other terms and musical signs.
2. Major and minor (both forms) scales up to 7 flats and 7 sharps.
3. Harmonization of a melody & applying transposing techniques in all major & minor keys.
4. Four parts harmony interpretations of ornaments and lower mordents.
5. Applying chords in first and second inversion, the passing 6 – 4 and the cadential 6 – 4.
6. Harmony: mediant, Neapolitan 6th, diminished 7th and dominant 9th chords on l and lv and
their inversions, resolutions and uses.
7. Melodic and harmonic sequences, including modulating sequences
8. Melodic decorations; accented passing notes, suspensions, notes of anticipation,
double appoggiaturas and dominant pedals.
9. The uses, inversions and resolutions of diminished and augmented chords, augmented 6th chords, the dominant 11th and 13th , chromatically altered subdominant and submediant chords, chromatic discords of the supertonic.
Free composition using a 5 note row, incorporating permutations and countermelodies.
10.To compose a short piece for keyboard instrument using variation form, the texture Increasing from 2 to 4 parts.
11.To understand orchestration and instrumentation.
12.Compositional Techniques and Psychology of Instruments